Wednesday, February 17, 2010

out day

sunday out wif shun yien , ah loong , momoko = spring , kfc ,
visiting , CORE .
monday out wif felix , bradon , daniel goh , Daniel (st.thom) ,
shenton , hilary , momoko , nana , ah jim , ah hua = visiting ,
CORE , pavillion , woodland n many places . tuesday out wif felix
them 2( tuesday n monday same gang )
reli hapi lorh can out wif them .
THEY reli siao d .
3 cars run 2gether .
bt felix stil remain d 1st
yesterday he say iie can drive his car ,
thn d bck sit very full dy .
so he say sit at his leg .
iie du sit beside him ,
thn iie say " if euu can drive like dis ,
iie wil clab my hands . "
thn he laugh ,
iie go to bck sit liao
cz so many ppl c tiok .
he quite funny d .

at shenton hm ,
keep on hiting him wif pillow .
he oso hit miie .
nvm nvm .
thn thn ...
sing k lurh at shenton hm .
d room so small d .
nt enuf sit .
bt nvm d
we can atur
thn we out liao .
been chase by dog .
cz they copy d dog shout .
thn d dog chase us .
we run to d car .
laugh til peng ki .

skip skip ...

miz we out d days larh .
dis whole weeks myb out wif them .
d day out story 2 long ,
so lazy write it out .
paii sehh yeahh .

n felix ,
dn 4get uur ring worh
when euu nid it bck ,
take frm miie .
stil in my finger arh .!!

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