Tuesday, February 9, 2010

hapi trip

29,01,2010 30,01,2010

yeapihh ,
iie like to go d place ,
finally ,
nw iie at DAMAI .

oopss ,
actually dis morning iie nid to wake up
early in d morning to go to skul d .
bt ...
iie cnt wake .
so iie din go lurh .
slp til 12sumthing ,
thn my mum kick my burit ,
zzz .
she says " oiihh , already 12sumthing larh .
stil dn wn wake .? late for damai lorh .!!!!!! "
cz we nida check in at 2pm .
we stil nid to go to eat .

thn iie wake up lurh .
bo bian ,
tired .
for damai ,
iie wil wake .!!
luvb DAMAI .!!

iie went to seafood restaurant for dinner .
n thn go swimming n beach .
2days1nite trip .


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