Sunday, January 17, 2010

cousin's wedding n happiiee hour nitez . C=


♥ nw thn iie jz realize tat 16.1.10 8pm start ,
iie can b much more happier thn b4 .
after iie drunk ,
iie can 4get all of d painness n sadness .
y should iie face all dis .?
y do iie nid to continuing suffer all dis painness .?
it's okiiee .
iie stil have my siblings n bez frenx beside miie .
n laz nite berjudi wif my uncles .
quite lucky d .
uncle euu say tat we stil can drunk n judi 2gether on CNY d .
so nw im waiting for CNY day to cum .
miz laz nite memories .

our face after drinking .

we 3 .
my face is blur .

ugly horh .?

stil got alot of pics tat iie haven uploaded it .
cz lazy
sry yeahh .
jz upload 3 pic .

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